Non-Disclosure Agreement for Research Consulting – Rapid Collaborate

Generate a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Rapid Collaborate

Rapid Collaborate provides technical support for clients hiring academic research consultants in generating non-disclosure agreements. Rapid collaborate does not provide any legal support nor is responsible for it’s enforcement.

A Non-Disclosure Agreement or an NDA is a commonly used agreement which protects the privacy of documents from client’s perspective. Usually through a NDA, client is able to bind the company or Read More

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NDA usually does not cover service scope, delivery, payment and cancellation terms. However, NDA can usually be extended to include a portion of service scope when an academic researcher hires consulting service. This way a single agreement can serve dual purpose of keeping the information discreet and also detailing the scope of service, consultant/company will provide. Read More

NDA is enforced through legal bodies operating in a particular company. It is important to note again here that Rapid Collaborate does not provide any support in its enforcement, while it is a technology platform used by many academic research support companies to help their clients generate NDA in quick and easy manner. In case of breach of contract/agreement, client will have to take up directly Read More